Sunday, April 8, 2012

*Peeks in shyly*

*blushes and peeks out from behind her chair*
Hullo! I am new here and thought I should Introduce myself.

I am Marah, and I love experiencing new worlds, new lives, and exploring my own mind.
I've RP'd for years, but not recently, so my style may seem antique and I may be a little rusty. :/
I'm in my 20's and love to RP in sci fi, fantasy, and historic settings. I like adventure, romance, exploration, crisis, and combat... pretty much anything that's not deep into Horror (unless you are willing to walk me to the bathroom at night for weeks afterwards >.< )

I am hoping to find some interesting places to play, if you have any recommendations I would love to hear them.

*curtsies* Nice to meet you

*blushes and runs off*

chaka khan taylor swift safe and sound delilah nevis 2012 sports illustrated swimsuit same day flower delivery valentines day

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